lemon essential oil

Essential Oils for Detoxification


There are many ways to accelerate the way our bodies detoxify and using essential oils is one of them. We eliminate toxins through our digestive, urinary, integumentary (skin), circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems.

So what are these toxins? Well, they are by products of food, natural toxins we encounter in the environment, excess stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, air and water pollutants and chemical toxins we put on our skin.

Essential oils are powerful forms of natural plant medicine. They protect the plant from infection and environmental damage. Essential oils are anti-oxidants, support the immune system, encourage the process of phagocytosis and have high vibrational frequencies. Essential oils work not only on the physical level but mental and emotional also. Thus, when we release toxins on a physical level, we are also releasing negative thoughts and stored emotions.

The body eliminates waste through the skin so it is important to encourage this by exercising or movement to help the lymph and circulation. Do not use anti-perspirants. Skin brushing towards the heart also helps encourage lymph flow. A salt scrub is also effective and helps remove dead skin cells.

Basic Salt Recipe

1/2 cup Fine Sea Salt

1/2 cup Epsom Salt

3-4 tablespoons Almond Oil

15 drops of your chosen essential oils

Mix all the ingredients together. Wet your body. Stand in a bath and apply salt scrub to your body in circular motions. Let the mixture fall in to the bath. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

Leah Dead Sea Salt Hand & Body Scrub

Essential Oils for Detoxification

Grapefruit oil is one of the best essential oils to promote natural detoxification.  It helps to release toxins via the lymphatic system. It is full of vitamin C, great for detoxification especially lungs, liver and colon. Grapefruit also encourages weight loss and metabolism. Toxins are obtained from a variety of things like pesticides on foods, air pollution, radiation such as mobile phones, computer screens, chemicals from traditional cleaning products and stress.

Lemon stimulates white blood cells to defend the body against infection and is effective against viruses like the flu.

Juniper Berry a mild diuretic used to treat urinary problems and excess water retention. Promotes elimination of uric acid making it useful in treatment of gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Geranium oil helps detoxify kidneys and bladder, liver and gall bladder. Balances hormonal activity.

Ginger oil helps support detoxification. It mainly supports the GI health and gut (Stomach, bowels, kidneys. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory helping with muscle aches and pains, as well as poor circulation and arthritic pain.

Coriander oil helps the body to detoxify at a cellular level and is a very powerful at detoxing the body from heavy metals ie arsenic, mercury & lead.

Peppermint is very powerful against infections. Detoxifies through the respiratory and digestive systems. It supports the smooth muscle movement, an important process for digestion.

Clove and cinnamon are very high on the ORAC scale (Measures how powerful it’s anti-oxidant properties are against free radicals). Can be sensitising on the skin. Use in small amounts.

Rosemary and lemongrass are also excellent at naturally detoxifying the body.

How to Use:

As a massage oil, Mix 4 drops of essential oil to almond oil and massage into the abdomen or the feet. To diffuse in a room, mix 10 drops into the water and diffuse.

Here are some other ways to help detox your body:


  • To support the lungs, breath deeply.
  • Get regular massages to get the lymph moving, helping with detoxification.
  • Use skin brushing to help eliminate dead skin cells.
  • Sit in a sauna to eliminate toxins through the skin.


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Johann is the owner of Therapeutic Healing and the formulator of LEAH Aromatherapy Skincare. Johann is a qualified Aromatherapist, Holistic Therapist and Energy Therapist. She received her certifications from OBUS School of Wellness Centre, Martinstown Holistic Centre and Robbi Zeck (Aromatic Kinesiology TM). She is Accredited by International Training Education Committee (ITEC) and by International Federation of Professional Aromatherapy (IFPA). Johann also runs a variety of online Aromatherapy and Holistic Healing online courses. Like Therapeutic Healing on Facebook or sign up for email updates to stay up to date with all my posts.
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