
Top 7 Vegetable and Essential Oils for Acne



Acne is a disease that affects the skin’s oil glands. Sebaceous glands are tiny, oil producing glands connected to hair follicles beneath the surface of the skin. The sebum moves up the hair follicle to the opening of the follicle. However, if there are dead skin cells, the sebum acts like glue and together block the pore forming a plug.  Normally harmless bacteria that live on the skin can contaminate and infect the plugged follicles, causing papules, pustules, nodules or cysts. It can be painful, particularly when it’s severe. It can also cause emotional distress. Acne that appears on your face can impact your self-esteem and, over time, may cause permanent physical scarring. Teenage acne is thought to be triggered by increased levels of a hormone called testosterone. This hormone increases the production of sebum which makes the skin oily.



Increased levels of testosterone in teenagers causes too much sebum production. Women experience hormonal fluctuations during their productive years and in menopause. From the late 20’s, estrogen levels decline faster than testosterone. This can contribute to adult acne. If you have small red bumps or spots along the jawline, this is an indicator of hormonal imbalance.

Dairy consumption can also be problematic for people with skin conditions, especially because of some of the hormones found in milk. Because milk comes from a lactating animal, hormones are present in the milk. These are active hormones which can affect proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, worsening some skin conditions.

Hormone disrupting chemicals like parabens (mimics oestrogen) found in cosmetics can cause havoc with hormones and skin disorders.


Air pollution from car exhausts, factories and power plants etc., contributes to free radicals, and can contribute to other skin-related issues.


Some medications such as cortico steroid medications, lithium (prescribed for bipolar disorders) and the contraceptive pill can trigger acne. These are synthetic hormones.

Skin care and make-up products

Research shows that hormone disrupting chemicals in skincare products have been linked to a number of health problems. Many of them mimic estrogen like parabens. SLS’s can increase the skin’s pH level and can dissolve the natural oil your skin produces. Mineral oil/ Petrolatum (Petroleum Jelly) is  by product of petroleum. It can not be absorbed by the skin and creates a film on the surface, blocking the pores and preventing the skin from its normal functioning.

Poor Skin Nutrition

Lack of vitamins and minerals can make skin lifeless, blotchy, dry, or oily.

Poor Consumption of Healthy Fats

We need healthy fats (omega-3 & 6 fatty acids) to absorb fat soluble vitamins. They also improve skin elasticity, and help prevent wrinkles.

Lifestyle and dietary habits

Refined foods and simple carbohydrates causes sugar spikes which increases insulin. High insulin levels increases the sebaceous glands oil production. Dairy is also linked to increased testosterone which is linked to acne.

Congested Skin

The Solution

The truth is that many people turn to prescription medications or chemical treatments to treat acne and other skin disorders. Quite often these products contain harsh chemicals that will have side effects or may not even work at all.


A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, nuts and seeds is good for our skin because it contains many vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that promote a healthier skin and help to balance hormones. A good diet combined with movement/exercise will help lymph flow which in turn helps to eliminate toxins.

Stress Management

Stress causes constriction of the blood vessels, creates free radicals and acid environment, disrupts hormonal activity, and impedes the absorption of nutrients and normal cellular activity. Stress disrupts the PH balance of the skin and also the acid/alkaline balance in the body. It produces excess cortisol, which in turn pumps more sugar into the system, creating havoc with our hormones, increasing insulin which leads to overproduction of sebaceous glands and therefore oily skin and it also creates difficulties sleeping well at night. This manifests in high amounts of inflammation creating free radicals and damaging our cellular membranes and in turn pre-mature ageing and problem skin.

Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for fun and relaxation. It is important to balance all areas of our life for health and wellbeing. The 7 primary areas to a well balanced life are physical, emotional, mental, occupational, social, financial and spiritual. All these areas must be balanced for us to have a happy and fulfilled life and thus less oxidative stress internally helping us to have healthier skin.

Oil Cleansing

Use the oil cleansing method. Using oils for oily skin is the most effective way to cleanse and balance excess oil (sebum) naturally. Over cleansing and harsh chemical facial cleansers only exacerbate the situation by producing more sebum to counteract what was stripped away.

Vegetable oils

Using natural home made remedies are gentle on the skin and more effective at killing bacteria and soothing the skin from irritation. These remedies include organic vegetable oils which nourish, repair the skin, balance sebum production and essential oils which help to tackle the root of the problem by balancing the body from the inside out.

Vegetable oils are pure, potent goodness, delivered by nature. Vegetable oils are natural emollients that nourish the skin, protect the skin’s lipid barrier and contains vitamins and essential fatty acids. Vegetable oils are primarily used for their skin repairing properties and cellular regeneration. The molecular structure of vegetable oils are larger than essential oils and so it takes longer to penetrate the skin which enables the skin to be nourished whilst protecting the PH acid mantle. They help to rebalance our natural lipids and normalise skin conditions.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains high anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It is very effective for acne by reducing inflammation, improving immunity and balancing the microbiome.

2. Unrefined Shea Butter

High in Vitamin A, it is a suberb moisturiser with exceptional anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties properties.

3. Thistle Oil

The plant is a member of the Compositae family which is renowned for it anti-inflammatory properties. It is excellent at clearing congested skin and reducing large pores.

4. Apricot Kernel Oil

Apricot Kernel oil is very light. It is very soothing for inflamed, irritated skin and high in Vitamins C and E. Apricot kernel is a good general moisturizer for most skin types.

5. Evening Primrose Oil

Very high in Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) – easily absorbed by skin, has moisture-retaining effect and helps prevent drying of the skin. It is closely related to linoleic acid (Omega 3). Both are substances the body needs to create prostaglandins which helps to reduce inflammation.

6. Rosehip Oil

Good for oily, large-pored, combination & sensitive skin, as well as many skin problems including acne. Rosehip is amongst the best vegetable oil source of omega 3 and is also a good source of omega 6 (GLA), both essential fatty acids collectively known as vitamin F, involved in cellular membrane and tissue regeneration and normalising skin with large pores.

7. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax that mimics sebum. This helps to balance the production of sebum which contributes to acne.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have the power to kill bacteria on the skin naturally. Essential oils for acne, such as lavender and clary sage, have the ability to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety, fight sleeping difficulties, and balance hormone levels. They are also gentle on the skin and have a number of benefits that go beyond fighting skin disorders and promoting skin health. Blend essentials oils to a dilution of .5% for the face and 1.5% for the body.

1. Tea tree

Tea tree oil contains anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

2. Lavender

Lavender oil helps to heal scarring and is soothing on the skin. It has a relaxing effect when inhaled from the bottle. Stress is often connected with skin disorder flare ups in times of increased anxiety and stress. We produce more sebum, making the skin more oily in times of stress. Lavender oil is a powerful tool when it comes to reducing stress levels.

3. Clary sage

Clary sage regulates the production of sebum on the skin and it supports hormonal balance. Clary sage is also know to improve mood in times of anxiety and stress.

4. Juniper berry

Juniper berry is a powerful anti-oxidant helping to combat free radicals in the body and aiding in cell regeneration. Juniper berry has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

5. Bergamot

Bergamot promotes fast wound healing, scars and inhibits the formation of new infections. It is a gentle skin cleanser and tones the skin. Effective anti-depressant. Highly anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

6. Frankincense

Frankincense boosts the immune system, reduces stress, can reduce acne blemishes, heals wounds and scars and helps reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

7. Lemon

Lemon essential oil helps to cleanse the skin, stimulates lymphatic drainage and improves skin complexion.

Have you tried any of these oils yet? Let me know if you use anything in addition to the ones listed here.

If you enjoyed this article and want to know more, check out our online courses or join our Aromatherapy Empowerment Facebook Group where we offer free advice & tips, recipes and more…


How to Control Rosacea Naturally


Many people know Rosacea with having red, flushed face sometimes with small pimples or spider like veins. For the person experiencing the symptoms the skin can feel dry, itchy, hot or burning, stinging sensation, sensitive in the sun and easily blushes. Like most skin flare ups there is usually a trigger to cause the symptoms. Rosacea flare ups occur when something causes the blood vessels in the face to expand, which causes redness. It usually comes down to how stressed or run down you are, if your diet is triggering any auto-immune responses, or irritation from too much sun. Rosacea is an inflammation problem that comes out as a rash. It is similar in nature to acne, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.

Anti-Inflammatory foods

Inflammation on the skin can be a sign that you are experiencing inflammation in the gut. It is important to know what foods may trigger flare ups and other congested skin problems. Avoid common allergens and focus on anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, garlic, onions and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cabbage).

Omega 3 fatty acids and healthy fats: coconut oil, avocados, wild caught salmon, nuts and seeds. Omega 3 also helps to balance the hormones.

Make sure your gut does not have an overgrowth of yeast or bad bacteria by keeping your microbiome in good health. Use a good multi-strain probiotic as an every day supplement to support gut health which can be purchased in your local health shop.

For the skin

Don’t use toners that contain alcohol. If you use toners go for floral waters like rose water or witch hazel.

Vegetable oils: Calendula, rosehip, jojoba oil or coconut oil. Use the vegetable oils in combination or on their own. A lot of people use rosehip on its own.

Essential oils: neroli essential oil, roman chamomille or german chamomille (german is highly anti-inflammatory and calming), geranium or rose.

Only use essential oils in your blend of vegetable oil(s) if your skin is not too sensitive. The facial skin is thinner than anywhere else on the body so we only need a weak dilution blend of .5%. ie 1 drop in every 10mls of vegetable oil. See my article on How to Dilute Essential Oils for more.

Sun: Be mindful of wearing a sunscreen to prevent irritation from UV light. Use a natural physical broad spectrum sun cream which reflects sun rays unlike chemical sun creams which absorb the UV rays. Physical sun cream contains natural minerals like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Managing Stress Levels

Many people feel mentally and emotionally challenged by this skin condition. Stress increases auto-immune responses and thus inflammation which triggers symptoms of Rosacea. While it is difficult to avoid stress, you are not helpless and can help to control the symptoms. You can empower yourself to find ways to beat stress. Educate yourself about the disorder and be open to trying new approaches and making certain changes in your lifestyle in order to help you feel more in control. Try stress reducing techniques like excercises, meditation whatever helps to soothe yourself.

Have you tried any other approaches that have helped reduce or manage your Rosacea? Let me know.

If you enjoyed this article and want to know more, check out our online courses or join our Aromatherapy Empowerment Facebook Group where we offer free advice & tips, recipes and more…

Food Intolerance V Food Allergy

Food Allergies V Food Intolerances: What’s the difference?


Many people refer to food allergies when they probably have a food intolerance. A food intolerance can cause some of the same signs and symptoms as a food allergy, so people often confuse the two.  So what’s the difference between the two?

In some cases, an allergic reaction to a food can be severe or life-threatening (anaphylaxis). In contrast, food intolerance symptoms are generally less serious and often limited to digestive problems.

Food Alleries

The main thing that defines a food allergy is that the body thinks one of the proteins in the food is harmful and thus triggers an immune response by producing histamine and usually pretty immediate. It becomes more and more sensitive to this food if it enters the body again at another time. It is important to identify which foods you are sensitive to.  If this persists, over time it may lead to an auto-immune condition in the body. Some common food allergy triggers are peanuts, soy, shellfish, eggs and milk.


Allergy Symptoms:

  • Tingling and itching in the mouth
  • Skin Rashes
  • Swelling (e.g. face, mouth or lips)
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Dizziness/ lightheadedness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or diarrhoea
  • Itchy eyes
  • Sneezing


Food Intolerances

Food intolerances can be caused by a condition known as leaky gut (intestinal permeability), when proteins and food particles can pass through the gut and cause systemic body inflammation. Food Intolerance is the body’s reaction to food/allergens it can’t tolerate. Some common allergen triggers are:


  • Gluten
  • Casein (A1 protein found in Cow’s Milk)
  • Lactose (Pasteurised Dairy destroys the enzyme Lactase)
  • Food Additives i.e. food colouring, flavouring, additivies
  • Sulfites: Found covered on dried fruit, in wine

Food intolerance can be harder to diagnose. Symptoms can take up to 72 hours to appear and can be incredibly broad. It is important to recognise the symptoms of a food intolerance reaction so you can make the best possible choices for your diet and avoid the allergen triggers. It may be possible to take a digestive enzyme to aid digestion. For example, if you have lactose intolerance, you may be able to drink lactose-free milk or take a lactase enzyme supplement.

Symptoms of Food Intolerance


  • Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Depression, anxiety and hyperactivity
  • Acne/Skin Flare ups
  • Joint pain
  • IBS/Bloating
  • Vomiting/nausea
  • Water retention
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Food Poisoning


If you suspect that certain foods are causing problems the best way to investigate is to keep a food diary. This will help to determine which foods are causing a problem and when this is identified eliminate them from the diet one at a time. Start with the most common allergen triggers. You may find it helpful to work with a nutritionist as this is a time consuming process.


Sneezing Allergy

Essential Oils for Allergies

Peppermint Essential Oil can calm the digestive system and inflammation responses associated with food allergies.

It is important to continue to have a balanced healthy diet while detoxifying the body regularly. For more information on detoxifying, see my blog on Essential Oils for Detoxification.

If you have any comments or questions, I would love to hear from you. Please comment below with any other tips or advice on food allergies and intolerances.

If you enjoyed this article and want to know more, check out our online courses or join our Aromatherapy Empowerment Facebook Group where we offer free advice & tips, recipes and more…


Dr Axe,

Mayo Clinic,



3 Ways to Exfoliate your Skin Naturally

3 Ways to Exfoliate Your Skin Naturally


To exfoliate is to remove the surface dry skin cells, the outermost layers of the stratum corneum. This helps to increase cell turnover, improve skin texture and improves skin tone leaving you with a lovely glow.

Exfoliation, derived from the Latin exfoliatus (to strip of leaves), is a term that describes any process meant to remove dead skin flakes from the body.

Why is it important to exfoliate?

Well, by exfoliating you improve your skin function and any skin issues like blocked pores which lead to further problems like acne, dull skin, pigmentation and fine lines.  The skin is a major organ in your body and we need it to work well. It protects us from pathogens in the environment and helps with the process of phagocytosis. It enables the production of vitamin D together with sunshine and cholesterol on our skin . So we want our skin to have the right acid mantle levels and we want it looking radiant aswell.

What do I use to exfoliate?

You can use chemical or physical exfoliants or you can take a gentle salt bath.

What is a Chemical Exfoliant?

Chemical Exfoliant

These exfoliants include ingredients such as AHAs and BHA, and enzymes such as Pumpkin, Papaya, and Pineapple. These ingredients will dissolve dead skin cells and usually have a deeper exfoliating effect. It penetrates further into the pores meaning it helps with blackheads and acne. Using this type can make the skin sensitive to sunlight so it is best to do this at night. Be sure to use chemical exfoliators that are based in natural ingredients, like fruits, milks, or sugars.

Physical Exfoliant

These products are facial, hand and body scrubs. These usually include ingredients like fine sea salt, apricot kernel or pumice stone powder. For the facial, I use bamboo powder. It is so gentle and effective for facial skin. You can also use a dry skin brush which can also help to improve your circulation. Using gentle but firm pressure, start at the ankles and rub in circular motions working up towards the heart. If you are taking a shower, use a loofah sponge.

Exfoliate with Leah Body Scrub exfoliate with Leah body scrub

Detox Baths

If you wanted a more gentle approach with less physical work, you can take a hot bath using sea salts. Sea salt has a cleansing effect on the skin, gently softens and dissolves away surface dead skin cells. All you need is about 1 cupful. You can add your favourite essential oils to the salt before adding to the water. My favourite is lavender and roman chamomile. It completely relaxes me and really helps with sleeping. Great for anyone with difficulties getting to sleep at night, stress and anxiety.  Read my article about various different types of detox baths.

What is your favourite exfoliant? I love to use sea salt with almond oil for it’s rich emollient properties and essential oils of lime and grapefruit for it’s bursting citrusy aroma and detoxifying benefits. Let me know, and if you have any questions, please comment below.

If you enjoyed this article and want to know more, check out our online courses or join our Aromatherapy Empowerment Facebook Group where we offer free advice & tips, recipes and more…

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“Information courtesy of, a website with skincare and aromatherapy tips and Leah Aromatherapy Skincare Products from Johann Callaghan, Holistic Therapist and Professional Aromatherapist.”

Colds, Flu and Coughs

Essential Oils To Fight Colds, Flu And Coughs


It’s that time of year when you need to protect your child from the flu season and essential oils are very effective in fighting Colds, Flu and Coughs.

Children are probably the most susceptible to picking up bugs and virus at crèches and schools. They play close together and contribute to circulating the nasty bugs.

Essential oils are one of the oldest forms used for medicinal purposes helping to combat colds and flu. They are highly anti-viral and anti-microbial. They are more effective than drugs and antibiotics.  Did you know that viruses do not develop resistance to essential oils? There are many cold viruses, each with their own styles but they all have a lot in common. Antibiotics fight bacteria infections and will not fight off colds and flus which are virus related.

In addition to using essential oils, a good diet can work in harmony.  Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants — these keep your body strong with a healthy immune system. Probiotic rich foods give us good bacteria. They help to boost the immune system and ward off colds and flus. Eighty percent of your immune system is located in the digestive system. This is why gut health is so important for every system in the body.

Here Are My Top Six Essential Oils For The Flu Season:

Lemon: Beneficial to the circulatory system and cleanses the body.  Supports the immune system.  Can cause skin irritation and sensitising in some individuals.

Peppermint and Eucalyptus: Cooling and decongesting.  Helps clear respiratory, expectorant and aids decongesting.

Ravensara: Strong anti-viral oil and expectorant properties.  Effective against hepatitis, shingles and herpes. Supports a healthy respiratory and immune system.

Niouli: Excellent anti-septic and immune stimulating properties.  Used to fight colds, fevers, flu, chest infections, sinusitis, sore throats and catarrh.

Lavindin: Similar to lavender, helps to clear lungs and sinuses from phlegm.

Leah Chest Rubs


Recipes for Colds, Flus and Coughs

1. Topically-Chest Rub/Massage Oil

50ml grapeseed oil (fast absorbing)
Lavindin 4 drops
Ravensara 4 drops
Eucalyptus 4 drops
Lemon 3 drops


Rub on the chest as often as required, especially when going to bed.  It can be rubbed into the soles of the feet also or use as a bath oil, using the steam to help break down mucus.

Not for prolonged use.  Always do a skin test before using an essential oil.

2. Oil Burner

Lavindin 2 drops
Ravensara 2 drops
Eucalyptus 2 drops
Niouli  1 drops


Using an oil burner, add seven drops in total to warm water.  Light a candle.  Burn in the room you are occupying during the day.

Disclaimer: All facts, details & recommendations are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals.

Woman Sleeping

Are you tired from lack of sleep?


Quality of sleep is more important than quantity of sleep. Air, water and food is nourishment for your body. Sleep is nourishment for the soul.

Our body is interconnected with the earth. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Chinese clock and Circadian rhythms are biology and behavioural changes that follow a roughly 24-hourcycle, responding primarily to light and darkness and so we are related to our environment in deep ways. These rhythms are often out of sync as a result of the influence of our environment. We experience disruption or imbalances which affects our sleep/wake cycle, endocrine function, our body temperature regulator and other regulators of our body’s functions.

There are 12 zones which correlate with the organs in the body. The most important time for deep rest is 11-1 and 1-3 when the Gallbladder and Liver are regenerating. To be in deep rem sleep, go to bed at 10pm. The liver filters toxins. It releases and transform stress hormones, adrenalin and cortisol and insulin.


Chinese Clock
So, are you tired from lack of sleep? Here’s some natural aromatherapy remedies that may help promote ease and reduce stress to enable a good nights sleep.

Using an Essential Oil Blend

Make up a blend of 50ml Almond oil with 2 drops of Vetiver, 5 drops of Roman Chamomile and 8 drops of Lavender oil. Rub oil blend on the bladder meridian (along the sides of the head), the pituitary and pineal gland (produces melatonin which helps us sleep), heart, wrists. Apply to the back of the neck/occipital; this is where breathing is controlled at the cerebellum/brain stem.

Lavender has been used for thousands of years. It contains over 200 chemical constituents and so offers something for almost every symptom while balancing the root cause. It is very a calming and relaxing oil.

Roman Chamomille helps the brain to relax but also helps the digestive system to relax. Great for muscle cramps and a great anti-inflammatory.

Vetiver works directly on the nervous system. Also good for neurological problems like ADHD, dementia, autism. Great for anger and hysteria.

Ylang ylang is a natural aphrodisiac, improves your mood. Great for helping to release locked up emotions. Just what you need before going to bed.

Cedarwood helps to release emotions being processed by the liver at night.

Let me know if this helps you and please leave any relevant comments or questions. I would love to hear from you!

Dark Puffy Eyes

What Causes Dark Circles Under the Eyes


We all know that late nights and working too hard can contribute to dark circles under the eyes. So what is happening on the cellular level to this delicate skin around the eyes.

Your skin below the eyes is very thin and can show the blood vessels and the blood contained therein.


As we age and get older, our skin loses it’s elasticity and collegen production resulting in the skin becoming even more thinner. we lose subcutaneous fat which often masks the blueness just below the surface of the skin. This is why the elderly often appear to have very dark circles under their eyes.

Sun Exposure

More melanin can be produced below the eyes resulting in the eyes looking darker and browner. However this process called periorbital hyperpigmentation and often only affects darker skinned people. Sun protection is advised to prevent over production of melanin and also premature aging contributing to weakening and thinning of the skin.

Seasonal Allergies

Eye puffiness and weak blood vessels can be a result of too much fluid build up which can be caused by an immune system response, allergies or excessive salt in the diet. This causes the blood vessels to appear closer the surface of the skin.  Seasonal allergies cause the release of histamines causing inflammation around the area. Rubbing the eyes as a result further worsens the situation.

Food Allergies

Usually if the puffiness is constant you may have an undetected food allergy. People with food allergies tend to be deficient if B6, B9 (folic acid), and B12.


For the majority of us, the cause is usually tiredness. So how does that effect our eyes? Well our circulation is slower causing blood to pool. Usually it can appear worse in the morning. Well when we are low in energy our body releases cortisol. This is a stress hormone and it raises blood volume which causes the blood vessels below the eyes to appear puffy and dark. The excess fluid accumulation causes the blood vessels to become fragile, weaken and can leak.


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Top 6 Tips to Reduce Dark Eyes?


  • If you suffer with seasonal allergies, eat foods that inhibit histamine release and stabilise mast cells like pineapple, ginger, garlic, turmeric and onions. Drink chamomile, nettle and peppermint herbal teas.
  • For possible food allergies, get a food allergy test done and find out what vitamins and minerals you are deficient in.
  • You can use topical creams with ingredients that will boost the circulation and constrict blood vessels. Ingredients like hyaluronic acid pump up the area keeping the blood vessels further away from the surface of the skin. Vitamin C can help with the production of collagen as well as brightening the skin.
  • In the morning, apply a cold compress for about five minutes to constrict the blood vessels. You can use cucumber slices or tea bags aswell. The tannin in tea bags reduces swelling and discoloration.
  • Make a saline solution to help clear nasal congestion with one cup of distilled water and ½ teaspoon of sea salt. This will help to reduce a build up of mucus which causes inflammation and pain or sinuses. Also eat non-mucus forming foods or alkaline foods like green leafy vegetables, cucumber, lemons, nuts and legumes. Avoid dairy.
  • Reduce salt intake and eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. Drink plenty of water to help detoxify.


The LEAH Nourishing Eye Cream contains active ingredients known for their anti ageing and tissue regenerating properties.

What did you try to tackle dark circles and how did it work for you? Let us know. Please comment below.

If you like this article, and would like to learn more please visit my online courses page.

Epsom salt bath

Healing Detox Baths


A healing detox bath is one of the easiest healing therapies we can do to facilitate our body’s natural detoxification system.

In this modern age, we are exposed to more toxins than ever. Toxins are in the air we breathe, the food that we eat, beauty and household cleaning products, medications, the water we drink and stress.

How Detox Baths Work

A healing detox baths encourages the body to flush out toxins, while also strengthening our immune system. The reason to use water as hot as can be tolerated is typically used is because this initially draws toxins to the surface of the skin. Moist heat causes sweating with loss of water, salt and small amounts of urea, uric acid, phosphates, sulfates and lactic acid. When the body heats up, blood is drawn to the extremities. Then, as the water gradually cools down, the toxins are drawn into the water. Drink room temperature water during and after your bath to prevent dehydration and fatigue.

Epsom Salts Detox Baths

A detox bath made with epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate. Epsom salt is a pure mineral compound of magnesium sulfate in crystal form. Magnesium and sulfur are both critical nutrients but surprisingly can be poorly absorbed from our food. Soaking in epsom salts overcomes this problem as these minerals both absorb readily via the skin.

Epsom salts are a smooth muscle relaxant, helps ease muscle pain, can help lower blood pressure and eliminates harmful substances from the body. It also improves nerve function by encouraging proper regulation of electrolytes.

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[clear/]Baking Soda Detox Baths

This bath is beneficial for neutralising skin acidity and alkalises your body. This helps improve oxygen exchange at the cellular level. It also helps irritated or itchy skin and leaves the skin feeling soft and silky. It is also beneficial for those with digestive issues such as the inability to hold food in the stomach comfortably.

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[clear/]Sea Salt and Baking Soda Detox Baths

This bath is therapeutic for any exposure to electromagnetic field radiation (EMF). EMF radiation is emitted from everyday household and office electrical appliances such as your TV, computer, microwave, mobile and cordless phones. Sea salt also gives an antiseptic and cleansing effect to the skin while also cleansing the auric field.

Dead Sea Salt Baths

Dead Sea Salts differs greatly from other sea salts in mineral content, being made up of sodium chloride, high in magnesium, sulfates, and potassium. Dead Sea bath salts aid in the treatment of common dry skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. They’re known to reduce pain and inflammation from arthritis and rheumatism.

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Salt Bath

Himalayan Salt Baths

Himalayan Salts comes from the salt mines in the Himalayan mountains. Millions of years ago, the crystallized sea salt beds deep in the mountains were covered by lava. This protected them from pollution and now these are the purest salt to be found on earth. They contain up to 84 valuable trace minerals, giving them a beautiful, natural pink coloring. Himalayan salts aid in electrolyte balance, circulation, aids in metabolism functioning, prevent muscle cramping, balancing the PH levels helping to reduce acid reflux, strengten bones and lower blood pressure.

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 [clear/] Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Detox Baths

This bath is a great overall detoxifier and for muscle aches and pains brought on by physical exertion. It is also the best detox bath choice for those with bad bacteria, fungal overgrowth and candida issues that affect the skin as it helps restore acid mantle protection to the skin.

An ACV bath draws excess uric acid out of the body. An ACV cleansing bath can provide welcome relief for those with joint problems, arthritis, gout, bursitis, or tendonitis.


If you are pregnant, suffer with high/low blood pressure, cardiac problems, vascular conditions, epileptic seizures consult with your healthcare practitioner before commencing any detox bath routine.

If you enjoyed this article and would like more information then please check out our Online Courses.

Which healing detox bath have you tried? Tell us about it below.

The effects of Stress on our Skin and Body


Life is too fast and getting faster. We need a way to adapt to live in this lifestyle. That includes learning to balance our lifestyles in all aspects of our being: our physical body, our emotions, loving ourselves & our beliefs and values.

Stress is anything that threatens our physical being. Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. Stress goes beyond just our emotions. It is very physical too. Did you know, that stress creates toxins? This is the most overlooked toxin in the body. Stress even destroys the good bacteria in our gut. Many of the most stressful situations in life come as a result of unplanned changes in personal circumstance. Therefore, managing stress is the key to minimise it’s negative impact on our life. Stress keeps our systems working as they should, but it becomes harmful when it lasts too long and is not managed effectively.

Why do we need to eliminate toxins from our body?

It is a necessity that we eliminate toxins from our body and this includes toxins from stress and other metabolic processes. If we don’t, it will eliminate to the skin as psoriasis, eczema, dry skin or red itchy inflamed skin.

stress relax

How do we eliminate toxins?

 *Get Plenty of Exercise

Not only will exercise keep us fit, it also uses up all the stress toxins in the body. It not, these toxins will build up and eventually lead to stress-related illness like high blood pressure, heart & circulatory problems.

*Stimulate the Vagus Nerve.

This activates the Parasympathetic nervous system reducing inflammation. Inflammation produces toxins. Too much inflammation over a period of time can lead to auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS).

*Take Time to Relax and Breathe.

This also stimulates the vagus nerve which connects to all the body’s organs. Inhaling essential oils will stimulates the release of certain chemicals in the brain that can help people relax. Regulation of the nervous system in this way is very effective for mental health, anxiety and depression.  It activates the limbic system helping us to feel good and anchoring the moment. This can help us feel grounded and safe.

*Learn to recognise your stress triggers.

When we are aware and recognise our triggers, we can respond more effectively rather than reacting to a situation. We can’t control what happens to us but we can have more control of the outcome in a given situation or challenge.

*Ask for Help. We don’t know it all.

Our natural human need is to share experiences with other people, so if someone wants to help, let them. You empower others when you allow them to give. At the same time, you can create a FLOW, a momentum and keeping things moving forward. We are all experts at different things and we all have different experiences. So lets share them and help each other.

*Use Natural Aromatherapy and Organic Skincare Products

Organic compounds from carrier oils,  butters and waxes contain vitamins and minerals which not only repair the skin, they help to get rid of free radicals which are contributed to pre-mature ageing and wrinkles. Essential oils contains anti-microbial therapeutic properties which help to fight fungal infections on the skin and can benefit skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Essential oils from the plant have very similar molecular make up as the human body. The immune system is unlikely to attack or have an adverse effect. The only exception to this is if there has been an overuse of oils leading to skin sensitisation. Essential oils are potent and thus need to be respected and used in a controlled way.

Natural and organic skincare products together with pure botanical essential oils are kind and gentle to your skin and also have additional therapeutic benefits helping to bring the body back into balance. Essential oils have the ability to balance the hormonal and nervous system; two of the main systems that have a direct effect to the rest of the bodily functions. If one part of you is under functioning it will affect the rest of you, since everything is connected.

What have you tried to eliminate stress toxins from your body? I’d love to know your experiences. Comment below.

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Epsom salt bath

How to Take an Epsom Salt Bath


Benefits of Epsom Salts

Magnesium sulfate is the chemical compound that makes up Epsom salt. It can help with your skincare routine and also detoxify your body. Magnesium helps keep your bodily functions running smoothly, including some of the pathways that lead toxins right out of your body. Sulfate helps to strengthen the walls of your digestive tract so that it’s easier to release toxins. As a compound, magnesium sulfate also raises the amount of digestive enzymes in the pancreas. The compound also helps in purifying and detoxifying your body of heavy metals. Epsom salt baths may be used to allay psoriasis symptoms, soften and exfoliate skin or even to restore the body’s internal levels of magnesium and sulfate. It can help relieve muscle cramps, pain and inflammation due to the magnesium. Helps reduce pain and swelling for people with arthritis or sports injuries.

How much to use

If you’re ready for an Epsom salt bath, consider your tub size and water depth before you begin pouring in the salt. More salt isn’t necessarily better. A common formula is to add a cup or two of Epsom salt to warm water in a standard-size bathtub. If you’re a lover of hot, steaming bath water, know that it’s not doing your skin any favours. The water you use in a bath should be warm, not hot. Warm or tepid water is best for your skin because it doesn’t strip away as much protective oil, and it helps to dissolve the Epsom salt. Before you climb into the bath, make sure that all of the salt has dissolved so that it can be more easily absorbed into your skin. Any salt that hasn’t dissolved in the water may dry on your skin as an opaque white powder. If you see this residue on your skin after the bath, don’t worry; excess salt should be harmless and is easily rinsed off. It’s generally recommended to soak in an Epsom salt bath for about 15 minutes for the greatest therapeutic benefits. Do not apply moisturising cream for about two hours after an Epsom bath as the body will still be detoxifying.



Despite the benefits, Epsom salt baths aren’t for everyone. They generally aren’t recommended for people who have conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes. Epsom salt is not recommended for children under 6. While the salt solution is not necessarily harmful in and of itself, accidental ingestion may cause sudden diarrhea or more serious side effects. If you aren’t sure whether an Epsom salt bath is safe for you, consult your doctor first. Epsom salt has been a cure-all for generations: It has been used to soothe aches and pains, and more recently for softening skin, preventing wrinkles and detoxifying your body.