Healthy Looking Skin

7 Steps to Healthy Looking Skin


Creating free radicals is just part of our being. The production of free radicals is a by-product of cell metabolism. Our bodies are normally able to cope however with an excess of free radicals they can be harmful to the cell structure which in turn accelerates ageing and illness and impeding healthy looking skin.

Anti-oxidants help to soak up excess free radicals. Sources of Vit A, C, Selenium and Vit E are Fish, Carrots, Fruit & Veg, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Sweet Potatoes and Liver.

Other factors which contribute to the production of free radicals are environmental pollution, household chemicals/cleaners, smoking and stress.

No.1 Sun Damage

It is common knowledge that contact with UV (ultra violet) rays can cause sunburn, premature aging, age spots, pigmentation, and skin cancer including melanoma, the most serious type.

No.2 Don’t Smoke

Smoking is associated with premature wrinkling. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow and oxygen.

No.3 Use natural creams/oils with vitamins and essential fatty acids

Lack of vitamins and EFA’s can make skin lifeless, blotchy, dry, or oily. Vegetable oils nourish the skin, contains vitamins and essential fatty acids.
Vitamin A treats acne, skin wrinkling and pigmentation caused by chronic sun exposure.
Vitamin C for detoxifying, healing wounds and scars. Required to produce collagen.
Vitamin D is formed in the body with the help of sunlight and cholesterol. It is rich in antioxidant and anti-carcinogen properties and may help to prevent cancer.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant.

No.4 Essential fatty acids

They are essential building blocks of cellular membranes, to allow efficient transportation of nutrients. These will help to enhance collagen and elastin in the skin helping to slow the ageing process. Omega 3 (Fish oils) have powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

No.5 Keep your Skincare Products Simple and Natural

It is recommended that you use natural and organic aromatherapy skincare products with vegetable derived ingredients and organic pure essential oils. Market leaders spend far more money on the packaging and advertising on high street brand names than on the ingredients. They often contain parabens, SLS, mineral oil, synthetic and other chemical ingredients which over time can harm and damage your skin.

No.6 A Balanced healthy Diet and exercise

A combination of balanced nutrition and exercise/movement can greatly improve the appearance of the skin by keeping the blood circulating and delivery nutrients and eliminating waste. It is important to have a balance between exercise and rest. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation and other digestive disorders. Adequate consumption of water and fibre are important. Too much sugar in the diet can break down the fibres and elastin causing skin to become dryer and losing the skin’s youthful look. It is an anti-nutrient and impedes the absorption of nutrients.

No. 7 Stress

Stress causes constriction of the blood vessels, creates free radicals and acid environment, disrupts hormonal activity, and impedes the absorption of nutrients and normal cellular activity. Stress disrupts the PH balance of the skin and also the acid/alkaline balance in the body. This manifests in dry irritated skin and rashes.

Essential Oil Blend

Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation


What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is an immune response and is the body’s way of dealing with an injury or infection. It is a very natural process. Your body is constantly exposed to toxins, in the air, food, water, chemical reactions in the body ie emotional or physical and of course injury to the body’s tissues and food intolerances. When the body is overloaded with toxins and the liver is under too much pressure, they can leak through the mucous membranes resulting in catarrh or inflammation of the mucous membranes. These toxins or free radicals can also build up elsewhere in the body causing pain and infection and digestive problems.

Pain and inflammation almost always goes hand in hand. Inflammation is caused by injury or acidity and always causes degeneration and or pain. The fundamental key to reducing pain and inflammation is almost always to reduce acidity in your body. Our normal healthy pH levels internally are around pH 7.

What happens during acute inflammation?

When the body’s tissue has been damaged, the inflammation process begins within seconds. The damage may be from a physical injury, or caused by an immune response. Histamine is released causing blood vessels to dilate and become more porous allowing in more fluid and blood proteins into the interstitial spaces. White blood cells ie neutrophil, macrophages and lymphocytes, attack and ingest the foreign body. The inflamed area becomes painful as the nerve endings are stimulated to further protect the area. The area becomes red and hot to touch.

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation is a long term inflammation which can last for several months. This occurs as a result of a failure to eliminate the root cause, stress or an auto immune response where the immune system is attacking it’s own healthy tissues. Examples are asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic sinusitis, crohn’s disease, psoriases and fibromyalgia.

Essential oils for pain and inflammation

How do essential oils work?

Essential oils encourage a process known as phagocytosis which stimulates white blood cells to ingest and clean up micro-organisims. They are the highest know anti-oxidants substances which are vital to help soak up the free radicals and balance the acid/alkaline balance. The body can handle free radicals with anti-oxidants, however, excess free radicals can cause damage to cells and contribute to aging.

Essential oils for pain and inflammation are increasingly being used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as allergy, rheumatism and arthritis. They also support the body’s first line of defence. The skin acts as a protective barrier and essential oils future support this action. When treating inflammation with essential oils, we also need to help detoxify the body, eliminating free radicals and also to help relieve pain. Essential oils with diuretic properties help to accelerate the detoxification process by stimulating the kidneys. Ie lemon, grapefruit, fennel and juniper berry. These oils will also stimulate the body’s ability to make more white blood cells.

Essential oils for anti-oxidant, analgesic and anti-Inflammatory properties

Eucalyptus has been traditionally used to clear congestion with symptoms associated with colds and flus. Diffusing eucalyptus can purify the air of harmful microorganisms.

Ginger can be used for arthritis, fatigue, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation and strains and sprains. It has a similar action to rosemary in that it stimulates the blood flow and warms the skin, bringing relief from pain and stiffness associated with inflammation.

Roman Chamomille helps sooth painful joints, muscular aches and pains, sprains, rheumatism and neuralgia. German chamomile contains chamazulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy and cooling agent.

Rosemary is effective for muscular pain and rheumatism and stimulates the circulation. Do no use if you suffer with epilepsy or high blood pressure.

Peppermint is used to relieve irritated skin conditions and has a cooling effect on the skin and is an effective analgesic. Used for muscle aches and pains, respiratory and sinus congestion.

Tea tree is antiviral and antibiotic, it is a good oil to use when the skin is inflamed.

Thyme has probably the strongest anti-oxidant properties. It helps boost the immune system, has a warming effect and stimulates poor circulation.

Essential Oil Blend for Pain and Inflammation


How To Use Essential Oils with Carrier Oils

Carrier oils or base oils are used to dilute and to carry the essential oils into the body. Examples of carrier oils are almond, grapeseed or sunflower. Mix 6 drops of essential oil(s) to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and rub into the body (3% blend for adults).


Always do a skin test before using an essential oil. Keep vegetable oil nearby in the case of sensitivity occurring on the skin. Never use water because oil and water do not mix. Children generally use about 1/3 of the adult blends.