Congested Skin

Steps To Solving Congested Skin


Dull complexion, uneven skin, white heads and black heads are actually signs of clogged and congested skin.

White heads, black heads, and clogged pores occur due to a combination of factors, such as accumulated toxins and excess sebum (sometimes from over cleansing), pollution, dead skin cells, make-up and dirt. They can enter the open pores and combine with continuously producing sebum and oil causing a plug to form.


Oil and Sebum

Sebaceous glands are tiny, oil producing glands connected to hair follicles beneath the surface of the skin. The oil they produce lubricates skin and hair. The sebum moves up the hair follicle to the opening of the follicle. However, if there are dead skin cells, the sebum acts like glue and together block the pore. This stimulates bacteria, encourages growth of white heads. When exposed to the air, the plug darkens. All this activity triggers the immune system which causes inflammation and redness as it tries to kill the bacteria.

Dead skin cells

Our skin cells turn over every four weeks. This natural process causes a layer of dead cells to appear on the skin surface. If not removed regularly, our skin won’t appear as vibrant as it should. In addition, dead cells can clog pores on our face and cause congestion or blackheads.


Air pollution from car exhausts, factories and power plants etc., contributes to ageing, and can contribute to other skin-related issues.

Skin care and make-up products

Research shows that hormone disrupting chemicals in skincare products have been linked to a number of health problems. Many of them mimic estrogen like parabens. SLS’s can increase the skin’s pH level and can dissolve the natural oil your skin produces. Mineral oil/ Petrolatum (Petroleum Jelly) is derived from crude oil. It can not be absorbed by the skin and creates a film on the surface, blocking the pores and preventing the skin from its normal functioning.


Hormones and anti-biotics are often used to treat the animals and/or their byproducts, and these hormones can cause acne and other skin problems. Healthy protein includes grass-fed beef and organic poultry, organic dairy products & nuts.

Skin Nutrition

Lack of vitamins and minerals can make skin lifeless, blotchy, dry, or oily. Healthy skin requires a variety of vitamins to keep it resilient; specifically, vitamins A, vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin D. Vegetable oils nourish the skin, contains vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Healthy Fats

We need healthy fats (omega-3 & 6 fatty acids) to absorb fat soluble vitamins. They also improve skin elasticity, and help prevent wrinkles. Unhealthy fats, like saturated and trans fats, should be avoided.

Lifestyle and dietary habits

Refined foods and simple carbohydrates causes sugar spikes which increases insulin. High insulin levels increases inflammation and likely to lead to rashes, blemishes, and breakouts. Dairy is also linked to increased testosterone which is linked to acne. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, nuts and seeds is good for our skin because it contains many vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that promote a healthier skin. A good diet combined with movement/excercise will help lymph flow which in turn helps to eliminate toxins.

Congested Skin Back

LEAH Anti-Acne Treatment Oil

LEAH Anti-Acne Treatment Oil is great for congested and acne skin. This treatment oil will help to dissolve excess sebum naturally and unclog pores. High in Fatty Acids Omega 3 & 6, Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) and Linoenic Acid which are easily absorbed by the skin and known for their tissue regeneration and normalising skin with large pores.

LEAH Anti-Acne Treatment Oil contains Vitamin A and Vitamin E anti-oxidants to help rid free radicals which contribute to inflammation and help to repair skin damage. Contains essential oils of Frankincense, Bergamot and Lemon for their anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent benefits to the skin.


The Potency of Essential Oils Explained


Essential oils are the “life blood” of the plant also known as essences (from the essence or ‘spirit’ of the plant).  They are highly concentrated plant extracts. To put the potency of essential oils into perspective it takes the petals of 30 roses to make 1 drop of oil.

These oils are to be respected and a working knowledge of how to use them safely is vital to the safe use and beneficial outcomes of using these oils. Essential oils can be distilled from many parts of a plant: stems, branches, fruits, flowers, seeds, roots, bark, needles, and leaves. They contain healing nutrients and oxygenating molecules. Essential oils are anti-oxidants, support the immune system, encourage the process of phagocytosis and have high vibrational frequencies.

There is a subtle bio-energy that flows through all organic life. It is often referred to as Chi or Life force. This energy is expressed as an electromagnetic vibrational frequency and pure essential oils have the highest frequencies of any measured natural substance. Essential oils allows us to re-align our body’s vibrational frequency the natural way, helping to restore harmony to our health and well being on all levels.

Did you know essential oils are up to 30 times therapeutically more potent than herbs? For example, 1 drop of peppermint essential oil equates to 30 cups of herbal tea. When herbs are dried they are dehydrated and thus lose valuable nutritional properties and oxygenating molecules of the plant. Herbs are still very beneficial to use, however, on a lesser degree to essential oils. In the process of drying out the herb, it loses many molecules of the essential oil because they are volatile, meaning ‘to fly away’ or evaporate.
Because essential oils are so highly concentrated, their vibrational frequency ranges very high between 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of Rose oil. A healthy human body vibrates between 62MHz and 68MHz.

• Human cells can start to change (mutate) when their frequency drops below 62MHz.
• 58 MHz is the frequency of your body when you have a cold or the flu.
• When candida is present within your body, you vibrate at a frequency of 55MHz.
• 42 MHz is the frequency of a body wherein cancer can appear.
• When the death process begins – the frequency has been measured at 20 MHz.


Natural Skincare Workshops and Introduction to Aromatherapy & Holistic Living Workshops are available at Therapuetic Healing.

lemon essential oil

Essential Oils for Detoxification


There are many ways to accelerate the way our bodies detoxify and using essential oils is one of them. We eliminate toxins through our digestive, urinary, integumentary (skin), circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems.

So what are these toxins? Well, they are by products of food, natural toxins we encounter in the environment, excess stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, air and water pollutants and chemical toxins we put on our skin.

Essential oils are powerful forms of natural plant medicine. They protect the plant from infection and environmental damage. Essential oils are anti-oxidants, support the immune system, encourage the process of phagocytosis and have high vibrational frequencies. Essential oils work not only on the physical level but mental and emotional also. Thus, when we release toxins on a physical level, we are also releasing negative thoughts and stored emotions.

The body eliminates waste through the skin so it is important to encourage this by exercising or movement to help the lymph and circulation. Do not use anti-perspirants. Skin brushing towards the heart also helps encourage lymph flow. A salt scrub is also effective and helps remove dead skin cells.

Basic Salt Recipe

1/2 cup Fine Sea Salt

1/2 cup Epsom Salt

3-4 tablespoons Almond Oil

15 drops of your chosen essential oils

Mix all the ingredients together. Wet your body. Stand in a bath and apply salt scrub to your body in circular motions. Let the mixture fall in to the bath. Soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

Leah Dead Sea Salt Hand & Body Scrub

Essential Oils for Detoxification

Grapefruit oil is one of the best essential oils to promote natural detoxification.  It helps to release toxins via the lymphatic system. It is full of vitamin C, great for detoxification especially lungs, liver and colon. Grapefruit also encourages weight loss and metabolism. Toxins are obtained from a variety of things like pesticides on foods, air pollution, radiation such as mobile phones, computer screens, chemicals from traditional cleaning products and stress.

Lemon stimulates white blood cells to defend the body against infection and is effective against viruses like the flu.

Juniper Berry a mild diuretic used to treat urinary problems and excess water retention. Promotes elimination of uric acid making it useful in treatment of gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Geranium oil helps detoxify kidneys and bladder, liver and gall bladder. Balances hormonal activity.

Ginger oil helps support detoxification. It mainly supports the GI health and gut (Stomach, bowels, kidneys. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory helping with muscle aches and pains, as well as poor circulation and arthritic pain.

Coriander oil helps the body to detoxify at a cellular level and is a very powerful at detoxing the body from heavy metals ie arsenic, mercury & lead.

Peppermint is very powerful against infections. Detoxifies through the respiratory and digestive systems. It supports the smooth muscle movement, an important process for digestion.

Clove and cinnamon are very high on the ORAC scale (Measures how powerful it’s anti-oxidant properties are against free radicals). Can be sensitising on the skin. Use in small amounts.

Rosemary and lemongrass are also excellent at naturally detoxifying the body.

How to Use:

As a massage oil, Mix 4 drops of essential oil to almond oil and massage into the abdomen or the feet. To diffuse in a room, mix 10 drops into the water and diffuse.

Here are some other ways to help detox your body:


  • To support the lungs, breath deeply.
  • Get regular massages to get the lymph moving, helping with detoxification.
  • Use skin brushing to help eliminate dead skin cells.
  • Sit in a sauna to eliminate toxins through the skin.


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Vibrational Frequencies of Essential Oils

Vibrational Frequencies of Essential Oils


Frequency is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything still or alive has an electrical frequency. Essential oils contain frequencies that are several times greater than that of herbs and foods. They help us to transform emotions and help to bring the body into a higher state of vibration.

Dr. Robert O. Becker, in his book The Body Electric, tells us that the human body has an electrical frequency, and also that much about a person’s health can be determined by its frequency levels.

Bruce Taino of Taino Technology, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. It used a highly sensitive sensor to measure bio electrical frequencies of elements in the essential oils. This measures the life force of the oils. Taino has determined that general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62-68 MHz and when at lower levels, a variety of diseases can appear. For example at the level of 58 MHz, diseases like cold and flu appear. At 42 MHz, cancer appeared in quite many humans.

Negative emotions and thoughts can actually drop our frequency by 15 MHz. Our body stores them in organs and glands of the body at the corresponding frequency. A prayer or positive attitude can also raise our frequency by 15 MHz.

Essential oils frequency starts at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of Rose oil. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. Essential oils are multifunctional and so they work for the need that is present.

Oil blends with higher frequency ranges work in the emotional and spiritual regions. Essential oils and oil blends that have a lower frequency have a more profound effect on making structural/physical changes. Inhaling essential oils is particularly benefiting because it activates the limbic brain or emotional centre. Smell is the only sense wired directly to the brain.

Essential oils bring the body into balance, supporting the immune system and endocrine function with no side effects; unlike pharmaceuticals which typically suppress the immune system and create another set of physical symptoms in the body.

Essential oils allows us to re-align our body’s vibrational frequency the natural way, helping to restore harmony to our health and well being on all levels.


How to Dilute Essential Oils


Essential oils are concentrated, highly potent substances. A working knowledge of how to use them safely is vital and should be respected. Knowing how to dilute essential oils properly will help you to use them safely and gain the highest possible therapeutic effects.


Essential oil dilution is a safety precaution for two reasons:

  • Helps to avoid irritated skin, sensitivity, photosensitivity and sensitisation
  • Helps to avoid systemic toxicity such as neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity. This may not be as obvious as skin reactions


The most effective way to dilute essential oils is in a carrier oil. A carrier can be any high-quality vegetable oil, such as almond, grapeseed, apricot kernel, jojoba, olive or sesame.

Percentage dilution is worked out on the basis that there are 20 drops of essential oils in 1ml. Aromatherapy for home use usually adapts the percentage dilution of between 1.5% and 3%.

Table of Percentage Dilution

Percentage Dilution Number of drops in 10mls of Carrier Oil Number of drops in 50mls of Carrier Oil

Percentage Dilution Number of drops in 10mls of Carrier Oil Number of drops in 50mls of Carrier Oil
0.5% 1 5
1% 2 10
1.5% 3 15
2% 4 20
2.5% 5 25
3% 6 30

Never put undiluted essential oils on your skin

If you have sensitive skin, essential oils can cause it to become over sensitised. Once you become sensitised, you will probably remain sensitised permanently to that oil and even other similar oils. Don’t take the risk and ensure all your essential oils are diluted before applying to the skin. If you have sensitive skin and are unsure of using any oils, always do a patch test. Always remember, less is more.

Essential oil percentage dilutions given in this article are not intended for use for the following:


  • Facial blends
  • Body blends for sensitive skin
  • Special conditions which need treatment ie pain, inflammation
  • Pregnancy
  • Children
  • Elderly who are weak following illness or on any medication
  • Those whose immune system is comprised or other serious health issues


  • Essential oils should never used neat on the skin
  • Essential oils should never be taken internally
  • Essential oils should be stored out of reach of children and pets
  • Essential oils are highly inflammable and should be kept away from naked flame and should be stored correctly


Essential Oil Blend

Essential Oils for Pain and Inflammation


What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is an immune response and is the body’s way of dealing with an injury or infection. It is a very natural process. Your body is constantly exposed to toxins, in the air, food, water, chemical reactions in the body ie emotional or physical and of course injury to the body’s tissues and food intolerances. When the body is overloaded with toxins and the liver is under too much pressure, they can leak through the mucous membranes resulting in catarrh or inflammation of the mucous membranes. These toxins or free radicals can also build up elsewhere in the body causing pain and infection and digestive problems.

Pain and inflammation almost always goes hand in hand. Inflammation is caused by injury or acidity and always causes degeneration and or pain. The fundamental key to reducing pain and inflammation is almost always to reduce acidity in your body. Our normal healthy pH levels internally are around pH 7.

What happens during acute inflammation?

When the body’s tissue has been damaged, the inflammation process begins within seconds. The damage may be from a physical injury, or caused by an immune response. Histamine is released causing blood vessels to dilate and become more porous allowing in more fluid and blood proteins into the interstitial spaces. White blood cells ie neutrophil, macrophages and lymphocytes, attack and ingest the foreign body. The inflamed area becomes painful as the nerve endings are stimulated to further protect the area. The area becomes red and hot to touch.

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation is a long term inflammation which can last for several months. This occurs as a result of a failure to eliminate the root cause, stress or an auto immune response where the immune system is attacking it’s own healthy tissues. Examples are asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic sinusitis, crohn’s disease, psoriases and fibromyalgia.

Essential oils for pain and inflammation

How do essential oils work?

Essential oils encourage a process known as phagocytosis which stimulates white blood cells to ingest and clean up micro-organisims. They are the highest know anti-oxidants substances which are vital to help soak up the free radicals and balance the acid/alkaline balance. The body can handle free radicals with anti-oxidants, however, excess free radicals can cause damage to cells and contribute to aging.

Essential oils for pain and inflammation are increasingly being used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as allergy, rheumatism and arthritis. They also support the body’s first line of defence. The skin acts as a protective barrier and essential oils future support this action. When treating inflammation with essential oils, we also need to help detoxify the body, eliminating free radicals and also to help relieve pain. Essential oils with diuretic properties help to accelerate the detoxification process by stimulating the kidneys. Ie lemon, grapefruit, fennel and juniper berry. These oils will also stimulate the body’s ability to make more white blood cells.

Essential oils for anti-oxidant, analgesic and anti-Inflammatory properties

Eucalyptus has been traditionally used to clear congestion with symptoms associated with colds and flus. Diffusing eucalyptus can purify the air of harmful microorganisms.

Ginger can be used for arthritis, fatigue, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation and strains and sprains. It has a similar action to rosemary in that it stimulates the blood flow and warms the skin, bringing relief from pain and stiffness associated with inflammation.

Roman Chamomille helps sooth painful joints, muscular aches and pains, sprains, rheumatism and neuralgia. German chamomile contains chamazulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy and cooling agent.

Rosemary is effective for muscular pain and rheumatism and stimulates the circulation. Do no use if you suffer with epilepsy or high blood pressure.

Peppermint is used to relieve irritated skin conditions and has a cooling effect on the skin and is an effective analgesic. Used for muscle aches and pains, respiratory and sinus congestion.

Tea tree is antiviral and antibiotic, it is a good oil to use when the skin is inflamed.

Thyme has probably the strongest anti-oxidant properties. It helps boost the immune system, has a warming effect and stimulates poor circulation.

Essential Oil Blend for Pain and Inflammation


How To Use Essential Oils with Carrier Oils

Carrier oils or base oils are used to dilute and to carry the essential oils into the body. Examples of carrier oils are almond, grapeseed or sunflower. Mix 6 drops of essential oil(s) to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and rub into the body (3% blend for adults).


Always do a skin test before using an essential oil. Keep vegetable oil nearby in the case of sensitivity occurring on the skin. Never use water because oil and water do not mix. Children generally use about 1/3 of the adult blends.